13: Three TIps for Speaking With Confidence and Clarity

The question I am asked the most is, "How can I have a more confident voice?" Today we will dive into three ways to begin moving towards a more confident speaking voice. Simple, yet effective ways to get people to lean in and listen to what you have to say.

Tip #1 is Know What You are Talking About - I know this sounds like a no-brainer, but fake it till you make it is not always a good idea. Most people can hear uncertainty, even if they are not sure that's what it is. Know your stuff, and confidence will follow.

Tip #2 is Talk to One Person - Whenever you say things like "you guys" "hey everybody" "hi Instagram" "hey Facebook" there is a disconnect for the individual who is listening or watching you. You are talking to each person individually. So do that. Talk to one person.

Tip #3 is Learn to Breathe - This one really is the most important one. Sound moves on air, and breathing deep will give you a clearer, more confident sounding voice. I illustrate this in this episode, and give you ways to breathe in order to calm your nerves and uncover your fullest sounding voice.

For more in-depth work on having A Confident Voice, I'd like to invite you to join my VIP Group Coaching program at AConfidentVoice.com  Go to the page for more info, and as a special gift to my podcast listeners, use the coupon PODCAST20 for a 20% discount!

Hope to see you inside A Confident Voice. Let's work together to move your voice from being a roadblock to a gateway to great things!

To Your Success,



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